- HEA (IPBL) beams, European standard wide flange H beams, dimensions, specifications. HE A beams in accordance with former standard Euronorm 53-62
- HEB beams, European standard wide flange H beams, dimensions, specifications. HE B beams in accordance with former standard Euronorm 53-62
- HEM beams, European standard wide flange H beams dimensions, specifications. HE M beams in accordance with former standard Euronorm 53-62
- IPE beams. European standard universal I beams (I section) with parallel flanges. Dimensions, specifications, accordance with former standard EU 19-57
- IPN (INP) beams. European standard universal steel I beams (IPN section) flange slope 14 %. Properties, dimensions, specifications, DIN 1025-1: 1995
- I sections GOST 8239-89 specification, Russian standard I steel beams with slope flange
- I sections GOST 26020-83 specification, Russian standard I steel beams with parallel flange
- Equal flange tees, Tee sections specification, dimensions, properties. T profile accordance to standard EN 10055:1995
- UPN (UNP) European standard U channels, UPN steel profile specifications, dimensions, properties
- UPE European standard U channels (U profile) with parallel flanges. UPE steel beam specifications, dimensions, properties
- UE channels GOST 8240-89, PN-H-93451 . Russian standard U steel sections (UE beams, UE profiles) with taper flanges specifications, properties, dimensions
- UE channels GOST 8240-89. Russian standard U steel sections (UE beams, UE profiles) with parallel flanges specifications, properties, dimensions
- L profile, steel equal angles sections sizes, dimensions, properties, specifications
- L profile, steel unequal angles, sections sizes, dimensions, properties, specifications
- Square Hollow Structural Sections - HSS, EN 10219:1997 Cold Formed steel square sections
- Square Hollow Structural Sections - HSS, EN 10219:1997 Hot Formed steel square sections
- Square structural hollow sections - HSS of EN 10210, properties hot formed square hollow sections
- Rectangular structural hollow sections - HSS of EN 10219, cold formed steel rectangular sections
- Rectangular structural hollow sections - HSS of EN 10210, hot formed steel rectangular sections
- Circular structural hollow sections, longitudinally welded. Steel pipes of EN 10219 specifications
- Circular structural hollow sections, spirally welded. Steel pipes of EN 10219 specifications
- Seamless, circular, tubular, hot formed structural hollow sections, EN 10210 properties, specifications
- CSN EN 10080:2005 Steel for the reinforcement of concrete - Weldable reinforcing steel - Bar, coil and decoiled product — Specification
Rebar standards specifications, characteristic according to different countries national standard.
Performance characteristics EN 10080:2005 - Mechanical properties
EN 10080:2005 Performance characteristics - Mechanical properties
According standard EN 10080:2005 the characteristic value is (unless otherwise indicated) the lower or upper limit of the statistical tolerance interval at which there is a 90 % probability (1 - α = 0,90) that 95 % (p = 0,95) or 90 % (p = 0,90) of the values are at or above this lower limit, or are at or below this upper limit respectively (see Tables below). This definition refers to the long term quality level of production.
Conditions of testing
The conditions of testing should be as specified in this kind of Table:
Manufacturing and delivery
conditions of the product | Conditions of testing
(test pieces) |
Produced in straight lengths by hot rolling | As delivered a or aged b |
Produced in straight lengths by cold working | Aged
b |
Produced as coil and delivered de-coiled | Aged b |
Produced and delivered as coil | Straightened and aged b |
Welded fabric | Aged a, b, c |
Lattice girders | Aged a, b, c |
Aged in the case of dispute.
b Aged means: Heating of the test piece to 100 °C, maintaining at this temperature ± 10 °C for a period of 1 h 0 15 + min and then cooling in still air to room temperature. The method of heating is left to the discretion of the manufacturer. c Or as delivered when the constituents are produced in straight lengths by hot rolling. |
Tensile properties
The specified values for the tensile properties (Re , Rm / Re , Agt , and where relevant Re,act. / Re,nom.) shall be the corresponding specified characteristic value with p = 0,95 for Re , and p = 0,90 for Agt , Rm/Re , and Re,act./Re,nom.
The values Re and Rm shall be calculated using the nominal cross-sectional area of the product.
For yield strength (Re) the upper yield strength (ReH) shall apply. If a yield phenomenon is not present, the 0,2 % proof strength (Rp0,2) shall be determined.
Shear force of welded or clamped joints
Welded fabric
The specified value of the shear force of welded joints in welded fabric, Fs , shall be a minimum value. The specified minimum value of Fs shall not be less than 0,25×R e×An , where Re is the specified characteristic yield strength, and An is the nominal cross-sectional area of either:
a) the larger wire at the joint in a single wire welded fabric,
b) one of the twin wires in a twin wire welded fabric (twin wires in one direction).
Lattice girders
Welded joints
The specified value for the shear force of a weld point in a lattice girder, Fw , shall be a minimum value. The specified minimum value of Fw shall not be less than
F w ≥ 0,25 × R e,Ch × A Ch or F w ≥ 0,6 × R e,Di × A Di
whichever is the lower.
For the evaluation of the test result for the shear force it is necessary to record how many weld points have been loaded and failed in the same moment.
Clamped joints
Clamped joints are only used for joining the lower chord and the diagonals. The specified value for the shear force of a clamped joint in lattice girders, F d , shall be a minimum value. The specified minimum value of F d shall not be less than
Fd ≥ 0,25 × Re,Di × ADi
Fatigue strength
If submitted to axial force controlled fatigue testing in the fluctuating tension range, the product shall withstand the specified number(s) of stress cycles. The stress shall vary sinusoidally, over the specified range of stress 2σa , from the specified σmax.
Suitability for bending
Suitability for bending shall be determined by the bend and/or rebend test.
The bend test, if required, shall be performed according to EN ISO 15630-1, with a minimum angle of bend of 180°.
After testing the products shall show neither rupture nor cracks visible to a person of normal or corrected vision. The mandrel diameter specified for the bend test shall not exceed the relevant maximum diameter specified in Table below.
Table — Mandrel diameter for the bend test
Nominal diameter
mm | Mandrel diameter
max. | |
≤ 16 | 3 d | |
> 16 | 6 d |
The re-bend test, if required, shall be performed according to EN ISO 15630-1.
Test pieces shall be bent through a minimum angle of 90° around a mandrel having a diameter not exceeding the relevant maximum diameter specified in Table below, aged and then bent back by at least 20°.
After the test the specimen shall show no sign of fracture or cracks visible to a person of normal or corrected vision.
Table — Mandrel diameter for the re-bend test
Nominal diameter
mm | Mandrel diameter
max. |
≤ 16 | 5 d |
> 16 ≤ 25 | 8 d |
> 25 | 10 d |